If happiness were a currency, what makes you rich? A beautiful question I heard in a song a few days ago. During our Caribbean Rebels community call, Anke and I talked about how the universe – or God – delivers everything necessary for your dream, but only if … you make a clear decision. Show that you mean it.
Two days after the call, one of our wonderful rebels called me and said: “You guys are amazing.” At first, I didn’t know what he meant. “We’ve decided to look for an apartment in Mallorca and booked a flight for tomorrow straight away. Yes, the flights for my wife and me cost over a thousand euros, but I said, ‘We’re doing this now,’ and we booked them. Just now, a colleague called me to say that a client has placed an order for 500 thousand euros …”
If happiness were a currency, what makes you rich? What is it that you truly, truly, truly want in the depths of your heart? And what has been your excuse so far for not pursuing it?
“Yeah, Norman, it’s not that easy …” Oh, I almost didn’t see that coming. “You have to understand. Only when X happens will I be ready to do Y.” That’s not how the universe works. You decide on something and everything needed will come your way.
Are you ready to make a clear decision for your happiness? Do you book the flights, even if they’re expensive? Do you leave the job that’s making you sick, even if you don’t yet have a top offer on the table? How can you take hold of something new if both your hands are still full? “The risk is too big for me.” Okay. That’s honest. And unfortunately, this fear will keep you exactly where you are right now. You’ll endure even more, put up with even more, and postpone your happiness further because it’s not that bad yet.
Have you been getting one sign after another that you should move on from your current situation? Yes? So, when will you finally take that important step for yourself?
Don’t get me wrong: you’re doing this for yourself and your happiness. Not for me.
If happiness were a currency, what makes you rich? What are the things that make you happy? I’ll keep asking this question until you at least start thinking about what would make you deeply happy and content.
“And what do I do about the fear?” You let it go.
A quick way to do that is to join our next German Lifechanger Retreat from February 17–20 on Rügen. In February, we’re hosting another beginner retreat, by the way, which the Caribbean Rebel I mentioned above attended. He let go of so many things and overcame so much. In the moment you throw your burdens into the sea, you’ll be free to receive new and even more beautiful things.
Another way is to spend a long time delving deep into yourself and your fears, working on dissolving them little by little. That can be a long journey – but it’s worth taking. Or you can take a shortcut and let us help you at the Rügen event.
I wish you the most beautiful week you can have and plenty of wonderful moments that allow you to deposit lots into your happiness currency account.