Norman Gräter is a unique speaker who touches people’s hearts and motivates them in a lasting way. His vision is clear: to inspire people so that they start each day with faith, joy and optimism and end it with fulfillment as everyone feels seen, heard and respected. As a multiple award-winning speaker and expert in motivation and goal achievement, Norman Gräter has made it his mission to make a real difference in the lives of everyone he connects with.

“Dear Mr. Gräter, I attended your lecture at DHBW in 2016 or 2017, and I was truly inspired by what I heard. At the end of the session, we had a conversation, and although I no longer remember the exact context, you encouraged me with complete conviction and believed in me. Your words and your belief in me have given me an incredible amount of strength and power over the past years, helping me to always believe in myself.

Now, I am on the brink of a wonderful new chapter, and looking back, I am absolutely fascinated and grateful for how much that conversation has helped me through all phases of doubt. And even now, it supports me as I gather all my courage to follow my heart. I would never have believed that the words of a stranger could have such a profound impact. I just wanted to say thank you and hope that one day we may meet again so that you can see for yourself the amazing seeds you planted with your words. I am immensely proud of you! I believe you are a wonderful person who brings a lot of light and joy into the world. Thank you for that! Namaste.”
Lucie Sauter

Norman Gräter als Strahlemann

Norman Gräter – The Inspirator

Norman Gräter is a multiple award-winning keynote speaker and three-time European champion in public speaking. What sets the motivational speaker apart is his intuitive and captivating approach, making it easy for people to be inspired for lasting change. When it comes to emotionally connecting with individuals and reigniting their passion for their own goals, the speaker with the blue glasses is the perfect choice. He is an expert in mental health and motivation, a successful author, C-level consultant, and an inspiration for companies and individuals seeking a shift in perspective to bring more joy back into their lives. His motto is: Joy in life = Success in the job.

He is a certified NLP Master, hypnosis coach, and communication trainer.

In his exceptionally inspiring, emotional, and authentic presentations, he demonstrates how achieving goals is possible through increased enthusiasm when one starts believing in oneself. Only those who recognize their own worth can experience the best in both their professional and personal lives. Hence, he is globally booked by companies like PayPal, Bosch, DAIMLER, Viessmann, DACHSER, TUI Cruises, Würth, and many more. He illustrates how small changes in one’s attitude can bring about maximum transformation, creating a positive ripple effect for everyone involved.

Norman Gräter als Strahlemann

The Root Of Success

I am Norman Gräter – The Inspirator. For my clients, I am an expert in mental health and motivation, a success book author, a C-level consultant, a three-time European champion in emotional speaking, an ex-manager, and I stand for enthusiasm, motivation, the growth mindset, meaning, and purpose. Pretty cool, right? But it wasn’t always that way. Because Superman has a story. James Bond has a story. And Norman Gräter has a story. So, here’s my story. 

My story is filled with everything the world tries to convince us is important. “Kid, it’s all about faster, higher, further.” I’ve been there, done that. However, in the end, none of it is that important because if I’m always chasing something, I’m living in scarcity. Because I’m not… good enough, successful enough, far enough yet. So, the question I ask myself today is: how can I, in this moment, be the greatest gift to myself and my environment with the utmost enthusiasm while continuing to grow? You know what? Let’s start my story from the beginning:

Even as a child, I smiled with my tooth gap in every photo, as if there were only today. In my dreams, I was in a special forces unit helping others in need. It’s funny how life eventually brings you what you once dreamed of, just sometimes in a slightly different form. But more on that later because we’re just getting started.

For 24 years, I was employed by the wonderful Würth Group. Sixteen of those years were spent in the in-house event agency, marbet. My drive for peak performance, positive attitude, and performance-oriented approach helped me during this time.

I worked with over 370,000 participants worldwide, across more than 150 events and incentives. I led national and international teams, and together, we created sustainable and emotional experiences. Due to my high loyalty and the trust of the Würth family, I had the privilege to plan and execute the most important private events for the family, which officially didn’t exist. In a way, like James Bond.

Norman Gräter mit Prof. Dr. h.c. Reinhold Würth
Norman Gräter vor dem Tourbus

During my vacations and weekends, I often found myself on tour with bands and artists because I was and still am fascinated by their magic and unique connection with the audience. Being a cog in this touring machine, no matter how big or small, was my thing. Supporting these talented individuals, so they can give their best on stage, makes my heart shine.

And when I’m fascinated by something, I also fascinate others with it. That’s the only way to go. Full speed ahead.

Nevertheless, there’s a quiet voice within me that says there must be more out there. I want to change the world for the better. But how? From my perspective, I don’t have the talent to be on stage myself. Sometimes, though, life nudges you towards your happiness. So, I embrace a suggestion from my colleague Evelyn.

“Norman, why don’t you give a presentation to all our colleagues? Everything you’ve been telling me about enthusiasm, motivation, and goal achievement is incredibly helpful.” Hm… maybe… well… let me think… okay… I’ll do it. The resulting presentation is an emotional journey to personal goal achievement. With the aim of making everyone cry.

Don’t get me wrong – my goal is to change people’s behavior. And that only happens when I touch their hearts. That’s the only way to create the opportunity for change. So, a little while later, I’m on stage, looking into 210 pairs of eyes… and in that moment, I know I’ve arrived. It’s just a feeling that the world needs me right here, at this moment.

Norman Gräter Vortrag 2014-2

Hm, should I follow my head or my gut? A secure job (head) or start my own journey as a motivational speaker (gut)? I quit my rock-solid job and embark on a journey with a globally unique project as a motivational speaker. In just six years, I will fill the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart with 6,000 seats. Why? To show people how they can achieve any goal in life.

On this journey, I speak with over 400 celebrities (Michelle Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alicia Keys, KISS, Sylvester Stallone, Hillary Clinton, and more) to gain their perspective on a successful life and to test it on myself.

Then comes March 12, 2020, and the dreaded C-word appears. My show is banned 12 days before the performance (because it’s a large event). I’m sent into the basement, figuratively and literally, in all aspects of life.

I lie there for two days until a friend gives me a change of perspective as a gift. What is that perspective exactly? Well, I’ll tell you in my presentations. 🙂

Norman Gräter trifft Promis

To cut a long story short…

What I masterfully possess is a unique blend of creativity, empathy, a clear vision, seasoned with a lot of emotions (yes, they are important), authenticity, and a touch of magic to round it off. It should be light and fun, not like a presentation you’ve seen from others. What I do is unique. A journey from your head to your heart and back. Will this journey positively change you? 100%. To quote a dear customer: “The way Norman did it, I’ve never seen before.”

Today, I’m doing better in all areas of my life than ever before. I’m an author of success books, a multi-award-winning keynote speaker, advising C-level managers and captains, and enjoying the best relationship of all time. I’ve regained my life and freedom for the people and tasks that matter to me, instead of always trying to please everyone else. My turquoise glasses are a key to that. That’s why I’m the speaker with the blue glasses. And if there’s one thing I can do, it’s touching people’s hearts through my work. It’s somewhat different from working in a special unit, but the results are the same. So, I’m living my childhood dream every day.

My journey is so inspiring, effective, and sustainable that even Hollywood has taken notice of my unique story, along with my simple and quickly applicable AnkeR™ method for changing perspectives, to make a Hollywood blockbuster movie about it. Soon, my impressive life story will be on the big screen. Norman goes Hollywood. While I pursue this goal, I’m serving my wonderful clients worldwide and living my dream with my wife, Anke, and our three amazing children. So, beyond all these things, we come to what you might consider the most important…


„Do more of what really makes you happy.“

Unfortunately, many companies are stuck in their everyday work. Creativity, thinking big and allowing new ways are often left behind due to daily requirements. Peoples enthusiasm for their own company suffers more and more every day due to their lack of mental health.

How good is a lighthouse that hangs entirely in the fog? Does it still shine from the inside out?  Probably not. Instead of shining, your employees are in a headlock—crazy shit.

What would Chuck Norris do now?

Do you want your team to get back into their full strength and show their full enthusiasm for what they are doing? Should the shout, “Dear God, what a great company I work for?” You need a change of perspective.

Then let’s bring the greatness back.

Through my work I support the Unstoppable Foundation financially every month, which creates a safer and fairer world for all through sustainable education for children and communities in developing countries. Supporting people to help themselves is the key to start a ripple effect that helps all of us. That I practice every day in my work.

Chuck Norris und Norman Gräter

So, let’s get serious. If you really want to regain your teams passion, want new perspectives that broaden their thinking, that thereby they better understand themselves and others while being more enthusiastic about their (professional) life again, then you are at the right place.

I can help you 100%!


Book now your motivational keynote speech today.

Norman Gräter not only delivers inspirational talks but also works collaboratively with Caring Companies that prioritize the human element. He assists these organizations in achieving their goals and visions more quickly. You can find these and other services (video courses, appreciation gifts, writing press releases, etc.) on the Be Yourself Academy GmbH website.

Motivational Keynote Speaker Norman Gräter in the media

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