Mental well-being already as a child? “If I had had the knowledge I have today when I was your age, you would need binoculars to find me today.” This sentence came over my lips a few weeks ago when I spoke to hundreds of students and trainees in Vienna. The eyes of the young people around 20 were inevitably questioning and going in the direction of “What does the old man want to tell us?”. Well, in my early 20s I remember 45 being quite old. I can understand their looks. Back then I would have answered such a sentence with a weary smile. Only 15 years later I started my interests in the topic of personality development.

And you know what? What are 15 years more or less. Because funnily enough, my 20-year-old self also needs binoculars to find me today. However, even in everyday life I doesn’t feel that “wow” because I (like you) live my everyday life with all ups and downs. I’ve come a long way now. And the question remains – where would I be if I had already had all this knowledge from my book “I AM GRÄTER” and all other teachings in my early 20s? Then I would have focused 15 more years on what I want and not on what I don’t want. Do you think that would have made a difference? I have a clear opinion on this. Hell yeah.

Would you like to join in for a challenge? For just 30 days? Do you dare? OK. Here we go. Turn off your news ticker, delete all the news apps on your phone and stay completely away from radio, print and TV news. For 30 days. Then you decide whether or not you want to invite this meaning-free negativity stuff back into your life. “I can’t do this” you might be thinking now. Congratulations. You just found out that you are addicted to (bad) news. And that is good news. You need to be aware of the addiction yourself and then look for help to get out of it. You can only do it alone, but you cannot do it alone. So – if you do this for 30 days, this experiment will give you between 5 minutes and 2 hours more life time every day (when you no longer watch or listen to the news). You use this time instead to do something that makes you really happy. Just do it for 30 days and see where you are on the “I feel better” scale. Do you dare? Then make a decision and start now. I wish you much success.



