On Friday I was in the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart since many months. The fact that my six-year planned event was banned twelve days before the premiere on March 24, 2020 due to Covid, turned everything upside down back then. It showed me once again that we only love surprises and changes if they are the way we would like them to be. Otherwise most of us can life without “surprises”.

One of my motivational speaker colleagues spoke about this in his motivational lecture on Friday.

In his lecture he said that there are three things that are absolutely necessary for a successful change:

  1. There must be no alternative – in other words, no plan B. There can only be plan A.
  2. External pressure – this helps you to keep walking towards the light even on dark days.
  3. Formulate a common goal for the whole team – everyone has to know where the company is going in order to be proud to be part of the journey.

Arnold Schwarzenegger also gave me the first point in our conversation as the most important factor for success. I can underline the second point from my own experience. I always shared my goals and visions with the world immediately. And I bring the third point into my company consultations very early on. You can only get the team behind me with a clear and inspiring vision. 

Have fun implementing these three points and always remember; only if you burn yourself can you ignite others.