“Come with me to Never-Neverland, Any way you’ve chosen, Imagination holds the key, To Never-Neverland”. This week, I find myself humming the song “Never-Neverland” by the German group PUR over and over again, still wondering what it means that imagination holds the key? I wrote about this two weeks ago.
This week, I visited my mentor Neville Goddard and heard him speak about the “Lord´s Prayer”. In the broadest sense, it also concerns the imagination. Because your external reality is a 1:1 reflection of your inner reality (how you think about yourself). Or as we read in the “Book of Proverbs” in the thick storybook: “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.”
So, let’s take a closer look at the “Lord´s Prayer” together. For many decades, I assumed it was a prayer to a higher power. And through the teachings of Neville Goddard, I finally understood the metaphor behind these lines.
“Our Father”: God, the Universe, the Law, everything that is, the higher Self… (however you may call it). In other words: The one who is in charge.
“In heaven”: Where is “heaven”? Is it that blue area with the clouds directly above us? Or is “heaven” much closer? In the thick storybook it says: “For behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” And in Luke 17, 20–21 we find the details: “Now when He (Jesus or your imagination) was asked by the Pharisees (other people) when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, ‘The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.'”
“Our Father in heaven”: This sentence represents the “divine essence” in your heart. It’s about your own self-image of yourself in your heart. Or in other words: your subconscious (because all your experiences and your self-image lie therein). And as you know from my first book, your subconscious mind guides you 95–97% of the time throughout the day. So, the subconscious mind is “the boss”, the one who is in charge. More precisely, your self-image about yourself is your “God”, who determines everything.
“Hallowed be your name”: What is “your name”? The name of “God” is your “I am”. Your “I am” in your heart (subconscious), which determines your thoughts and thus your actions. We could also say: “Hallowed be your I am” – what you think about yourself and what follows the letters “I am” in your statements. “I am a winner, I am happy, I am good enough, I am healthy…”
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”: Now it gets exciting. Everything follows your belief. “Your kingdom come, your will be done…” And how does “the kingdom” / “your will” (your desires, your goals, your dreams, your unconscious thoughts about yourself and what you believe to achieve… or not) come to you? “On earth as it is in heaven.” As you think about yourself in your heart (subconscious), so it will manifest in your life. The result (your life) is the result of what? Of your actions. And where do they come from? From your thoughts and feelings. So, the first point is what and how you think about yourself (your I am in your subconscious mind). Just as you think about yourself in your “heart”, so will your world outside become. If you think you can’t do it, you won’t do it, because you won’t even start. However, if you believe it is possible for you and that it will come to you, you will receive it if you direct your firm belief, your positive feelings, and your active actions towards it.
“Give us this day our daily bread”: In other words, give us today the results of our thoughts. It’s about supplying and fulfilling your own needs. Because action always follows the feeling. And the feeling is triggered by a thought. Therefore, we recognize in the “daily bread” = in the daily result in our lives, what we must think about ourselves so that this result is as it is currently. 1. Thoughts 2. Feelings 3. Action 4. Result (bread)
“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors”: This sentence emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of negativity. What we did “wrong” yesterday was yesterday. Forget it. Forgive yourself. And forgive other people who seem to have wronged you. Because as long as you hold on to negative and unwanted things, you have no hand free for new things. Let it go. Otherwise, you continue to take the poison daily and hope that the other person will drop dead. And that won’t happen.
“And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil”: This is about the desire for guidance and protection from negative influences. “Evil” is not an external force or a little man with red horns, but rather disbelief based on your past. “I can’t, because back then I experienced…” Deliver me from this negative thinking (about myself) and do not lead me into temptation to continue to believe in this negativity, because otherwise my actions will continue to be restricted by it.
“For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever”: Here the power of your own consciousness and the role of your imagination in shaping your own reality are emphasized. “For yours” – your self-image, is “the kingdom” – what you will see in the world as a result. “And the power” – all power comes from your “I am” (self-image in the subconscious). “And the glory” – your own thoughts create your world, and this will be so “forever”. Your way of thinking determines your way of living. Or in other words; The quality of your thoughts (about yourself and the world) determines the quality of your life. “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Book of Proverbs).
“Amen”: The translation of “Amen” is “So be it”. A confirmation that your life (the result) is always a result of your thinking. And this thinking is guided by your opinion about yourself (your self-image).
In this sense, it would be a very useful idea for you to consider from now on exactly what you think and say about yourself. Because your actions will follow exactly this “belief”. Small belief = small action = small results. Great belief = great action = great results. I know you can be greater … or should I say… GRÄTER.
And you already know this sentence from me. It’s from Henry Ford and sums everything up nicely:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t: you’re right.”
Best regards and have a wonderful week in the new Never-Neverland of all possibilities.