what an amazing week this was. I hope yours was awesome as well.
Did you see my video from last Tuesday “Do this when in love”? If you missed it, check it out here.
Could happiness be really the key to everything you want to experience in your life? In my opinion it is a clear yes. Happiness comes from within.
As I am on a 25 day cruise since three days, I have experienced the first fight between a couple after being on board for 10 minutes. This lady told her husband at least 10 times what he did wrong. Guess what. The story changed with every blame and got worse. In version one she had to wait 10min at the staircase for him. In the 10th version of her blame it was, that she waited forever. She could just not let go and had to bring it up again. And again. And again. Can you assume his reaction? Total silence. I should have invited them to my communication workshop tomorrow.
You know, if she would be happy with herself, nothing would have happened. As long as you need someone in your life to do things right or to make you happy, you are toast. You are the playball of the other person. Why don´t you learn to apprechiate yourself and your time as much as possible? Then her waiting time would have been more pleasant. And she could have decided to just leave at one point and do her thing. Because the good thing on a cruiseship is, that the other one cannot get lost and you will always meet again in your cabine. Or for all the modern day people – a phonecall could have solved the issue in 10 seconds.
Instread of waiting for another person to bring you joy, find joy in everything you do. In everything you have. And in everything you are. See the other person as the cherry on your personal cake to make your day even more exciting. The base of your excitement must be coming from within yourself.
Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy your life. Every second of it.