As you know, I’m on my mission to “Re-Connect to love and to myself”. And I’m very happy with my path so far (which you can follow every day on my private Facebook profile or on my LinkedIn profile).
Today is day 15 and I finally did something that I had in mind for a long time but hadn’t done before. Namely, to give myself answers to very important questions. Because only if I know the answers can I also know where I stand in relation to this answer. Only clarity creates joy.
In the end, it was Alicia Keys who spoke about being asked “Why are you here?” in her biography. I took that as an opportunity and thought it myself.
If you like, answer the following questions for yourself:
What is love to me?
What is success for me?
what is relationship for me
What is wealth to me?
What is fulfillment for me?
Why am I here?
If you then still have power (which I assume you have), then write down your intention for this year.
For example, “I, Norman, set myself the intention to live and act more in love and trust in the big picture every day”.
You also write down your big C-goal (which you want to achieve at some point in your lifetime), as well as your most important values for 2022. If you need help with the values, feel free to download my values exercise.
Once you have the answers to these questions, something magical will happen. Suddenly you don’t care what your neighbor says about being successful. Because you now know exactly what your definition of it is. Now you can target and achieve these things. Only as long as you don’t know what e.g. love is, you will never have love.
I wish you a great week and I’ll be in touch next week from the Caribbean.